Computer Indexed
Filming directly to Microfiche has the advantage of being able to produce more images per fiche than you can fit with film and jackets.
Computer Indexed Microfiche are the best format to store records and provides quick easy retrieval options.
16mm Film
16mm film is the standard medium for microfilm scanning, correspondence and records up to A3 in size. The film format is supported by all readers and is available in a reduction to minimise the amount of film necessary.
Typical reductions include 24:1, 32:1, 40:1 and 50:1 with 24:1 being used mainly for correspondence and records. The higher reductions suit high speed filming of cheques and delivery dockets. Higher resolutions also allow for double sided documents to be filmed in one pass.
16mm film can be loaded onto spools or cartridges or inserted into jackets.
35mm Film
35mm is the film of choice for large format documents and books. 35mm film can be used left on a roll for applications such as newspapers, mounted onto aperture cards for engineering applications or loaded in jackets with other films such as in council records.
Aperture Cards
Aperture Cards or Unitized Cards are both forms of storage for 35mm film. Documents generally are A3 to A0 plans.
Aperture Cards are the medium of choice for archiving large format drawings, files and plans. Aperture cards can be punched with hollerith coding to enable indexing.
This coding can be read by Aperture Card Scanners.
Microfiche Jackets
Microfiche Jackets are an excellent way to store information.
Jackets are loaded with 16/35mm film and can be read using standard Microfiche Readers.
Jackets have the advantages of being updateable, convenient to use and protect the original film from handling damage.